Usually one might assume that it would take some sort of important event or some other type of extremely relevant development to garner the top spot on the Google News "Top Stories" aggregator. Is that the case with the latest Trump "Pocahontas Scandal"? Only you can be the judge of that.
Today in a ceremonial meeting honoring the work of WWII Navajo Code Talkers - President Trump made a comment while speaking with the veteran code talkers that one of our Senators was known as "Pocahontas."
The Senator in question is (D.) Elizabeth Warren. Since the event, news outlets, political analyst wannabees, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren herself have been using this as ammunition to fire shots at the Trump camp.
What's most disturbing about this is the mainstream media's take on the story. Instead of simply reporting facts and letting their viewers and readers form their own opinions, most headlines are colored with words like "Bully," "Jab," and "Slur."
Add to this that stories from CNN and CBS news are the top of my Google News feed, which is not filtered in any way, and we begin to see some hints of the true agenda of some of the people involved in these companies.
First lets take a look at exactly what Trump said, and compare it to what CNN "Editor-at-large" Chris Cillizza (Twitter @CillizzaCNN) QUOTES Trump as saying in his Internet-Topping article. (found here)
Here it is worded exactly as I heard it from watching the video above:
"Although, we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago -- they call her Pocahontas."
Here is what Chris Cillizza says Donald Trump said in his article (front page of CNN + Google):
"Although, we have a representative in Congress who has been here a long time ... longer than you -- they call her Pocahontas!"
Things that are different:
1. Removed "They say" from first sentence
2. Added words that were never spoken "... longer than you"
3. Over-exaggerated use of exclamation point. Trump did not shout this or raise his voice at the end of the sentence.
When we read the headlines across the internet for this article we repeatedly see lines such as "Trump calls Warren Pocahontas..." etc. Such as the titles to these YouTube videos published by major News Outlets.
Also you can see in the CNN video above news desk immediately echos the line "He called her Pocahontas." After cutting away from the clip. Trump did not call Senator Warren 'Pocahontas'. He said "They call her Pocahontas."
That's different than directly referring to her as Pocahontas. He didn't say "who I call Pocohontas" "who we like to call Pocahontas" or any other from of speech that included himself.
He said "who they call Pocahontas." He was referring to some indeterminate group outside himself. I'm sure you can follow what I'm saying here it does not bear further explanation.
What is this mass psychosis? Are people hearing things that aren't there? Do they not have a proper grasp of english grammar?
Clearly it is trendy or in line with some politically skewed agenda held by the media companies in question.
Am I to believe that The Washington Post and Bloomberg are just Dumb and didn't really thoroughly listen to the video, or that they are deliberately lying and blowing things out of proportion. Which is really the more likely of those two? Obviously it is that they are twisting the words and the reality of what Trump said exactly in order to either sensationalize their own content to gain numbers, for political reasons, or for both. Either way I'm not down with that.
Maybe they are all just so far deluded that they actually believe that these false realities they've created and trained their colleagues and gullible followers to echo back to them are the real truth.
Where is the sensible majority here?
Lastly is Sen. Warren herself coming out with her statement: "It is deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur,"
Does anybody really believe that Trump was intentionally trying to be offensive? As a professional public speaker, and finding himself in a myriad of high-profile spoken-word interactions daily, you can imagine what it must be like to be the president and have to make conversation with tons of people you've never met before. Your mind will draw a relationship to almost anything it can relate to the topic at hand and pretty much blurt it out, within reason. That's how talking works.
It's just the way he talks, not bullying or jabbing.
Not to mention that 'Pocahontas' is not a racial slur. That's just Sen. Warren acting hurt for her 2 million twitter followers so that Hillary will eventually throw her another doggy biscuit some day. 'Pocahontas' is just a person from history. In fact I think most people would take it as a compliment to be called 'Pocahontas.' I know I would. Trying to make something of nothing just goes to show that these people are desperate for attention, can't deal with their own insecurities, and will bend the truth to get ahead. Very irresponsible all around for people with such power.
What do you think? If you have an opinion on this please leave a comment on the Jekyll Island News facebook page where you can find the post for this article here: