Hello. Everyone loves watching the news. It is informative, and it connects you to the outside world before you even take a step out your door. However, not everyone knows the real truth behind the mainstream media. The real truth is that there is a power structure behind the few companies who own the largest, most recognized media outlets. This Graphic will help you understand the hierarchy.
NOTE: This info graphic is from 2011 and there has been some shuffling and changes to this. But the main idea remains the same.
Beyond this we could draw lines from those corporations at the top to banking moguls and cartels.
Because of this the content of the media is easily controlled to reflect whatever version of reality will most help the big bosses. This gives us a double edged sword. One one side we get news that is highly proliferated and easily accessible, definitely a plus. It's as easy as flicking on a tv or walking into a coffee shop and picking up an NYT off a table. The downside is the manipulation I talked about above.
This article is not an argument to convince you that what I'm saying is true. If you don't believe me or you need this explained. Go ahead and do your own research. It is not difficult.
When you gain this new perspective you may be hungry for alternatives. You will want to know all the information you've been missing out on, and possibly to hear from people who have articulate, well researched opinions about topics you care about, but which you will never, ever, hear from a mainstream source.
So if you are ready to "view outside the box." Here are my top 3 web news alternatives for 2017.
1. The Vin Armani Show
Vin Armani is an awesome show. He will talk to anyone and everyone he can find from the political scene. He is pretty funny at times and has a laid back attitude that younger generations can relate to.
2. The Corbett Report
The corbett report, self described as:
"The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. Visit The Corbett Report @ http://www.corbettreport.com"
Is a great show and an even greater website. Through his website corbett runs a community of "open source researchers" who pry into the issues that the mainstream won't (can't). He then compiles all this into his shows.
His style is a lot more flat and matter of fact than the Vin Armani show. Watch corbett when you are feeling studious.
3. Media Monarchy
A more lively host than corbett report, the guy who runs media monarchy is die-hard about bringing you news podcasts. Running every weekday morning, media monarchy runs through tons of headlines, sometimes grouping them into a theme for the day. Every once in a while he uploads the broadcasts into youtube videos you can watch through his channel. His site is very well organized and is completely littered with hashtags (#) so you can link up and discuss the issues his show covers.